How kids respond to support letters

by Aaron on March 21, 2013

After sending out my $3-a-day challenge support letter, I got this email and picture from my sister Jenelle about her 8 year old daughter Maren :


“Just wanted to give you a word /story of encouragement. So I read your email and the Brunnen update to the girls and asked them what can we sacrifice or give to help out. Maren left the room came back with $3 and said,”here is for today.”..ok I got tears in my eyes. I explained to Maren she was able to give the $3 today because yesterday she and a 1st grade neighbor shoveled a neighbor widow lady’s driveway without asking and she wanted to pay them. The Holy Spirit worked in Maren’s heart to shovel and to give to you! Feel free to use this story it taught us all!”


Pic of Maren’s piggy bank she made:


What my sister’s other daughters Morgan and Raegan made:



Within 2 months these girls and the rest of the family ended up with over $300 to give.  It meant no movies, no going out to eat, and as my sister said, “the girls sacrificed a lot!”  It is moments like this that I am humbled and taken back by the giving hearts that God has given kids.  Why is it so easy for kids to give?  They don’t have to have meetings in church mission boards to decide who gets what and how much. Kid’s don’t have to worry so much about the future needs of the family.  Kids just give when they hear a need.  I wonder if this is the heart that Jesus wants us to have…including me.


Thanks Jenelle for sharing this story and these pictures, it was inspiring for me and I hope it will inspire others too 🙂

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