CHICAGO, IL (May 11, 2012) – Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Following is a sample of those submissions – their inclusion does not represent an endorsement of any views expressed.
Redeeming Performance or Performing Redemption – This is a thought-provoking, must-read post on the Covenant’s Worship Connect blog.
If You Can ‘Apply’ What I Preach, I’ve Failed You – “As pastors, we are not merely dispensers of good advice; we are proclaimers of the Word of Christ.” It’s an important word for preachers as well as the people who have certain expectations of them.
Webinars on Inclusion of People with Disabilities – Series of webinars on inclusion of people with disabilities. This is a growing and important topic within churches. Here is a story we published last year with links to resources that are available within the Covenant.
Legal Risks in Social Media Use by Nonprofits – This is must reading if you use social media. Also be sure to view our denomination’s “Covenant Clergy and Social Media” resource.
“Religion, Values, and Politics among College-Age Millennials” – Some of the findings from the Public Religion Institute’s “A Generation in Transition: Religion, Values, and Politics among College-Age Millennials” survey seem to report the obvious, but there are surprises. One that caught my attention: 40 percent of younger Millennials describe themselves in a more negative light than they would their parents. Also, 48 percent of younger Millenials believe, “discrimination against whites has become as big a problem today as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”
10 Warning Signs of an Inwardly Obsessed Church – I didn’t like reading this. It could serve as an easy self-examination tool for a church – and an individual’s heart.
Editor’s note: If you have a link you would like considered for publication, please email Covenant Communications.