“…we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony…”
Stories permeate student ministry. We tell funny stories, Bible stories, and always challenge people to share “their” story. Everyone loves when a student shares their story, but how many times have you heard people say, “I don’t have a testimony.” *every youth pastor cringes*
Our youth ministry developed a way for students to reflect upon and share their story. No one can say those dreaded words. Instead sharing our stories have increased:
1. Students self-awareness and sense of how God is at work in their lives
2. Intimacy in our small groups. When you hear someone’s story, you embrace their humanity. When people share vulnerably, we create intimate community.
Here’s what we do:
First, we give everyone an 11×17 piece of paper and a pencil.
Second, we give everyone student 4 different colors of 1.5 inch Post-It Notes. Every color reflects one of four life events:
- Good experiences
- Negative experiences
- God experiences
- Life transitions
Third, students arrange these experiences in a personal timelines. Give students 15+ minutes to create their timeline.
Lastly, share your life story and pray together.
I’ve seen this activity create community without our youth group and help students memorialize God’s action in their lives.