Bob says: “I have written a very practical book to help those serving in student ministry. I wanted to write a book that can help those early in student ministry with everyday and every week ministry related issues. This book will help with all aspects of student ministry including teaching, budgeting, parent ministry, small group success, longevity, student leadership, etc. This book includes questions in each chapter in which the reader can think about and write in thoughts. At the end of each chapter are a list of prayer points related to the given chapter.
“I have a great opportunity to mentor new youth pastors on a regular basis. I have found out that
many of them have graduated from Bible College and have the book knowledge but have very
little idea of how to run a student ministry in a church setting. I had many of these young youth
pastors in mind as I was writing this book. I believe that this book will help those serving in
student ministry to be better prepared for maximum impact on the lives of students, parents and
Visit www.theyouthpastor.org/freebook to download your free copy of The Youth Pastor.