Here’s my story:
I went to CHIC in Knoxville, TN with my youth group from Winnetka Covenant Church. I looked forward to CHIC just like all of my friends – we had heard so much about it, I couldn’t wait to be there! I had a feeling it would be a fun week, but I didn’t know then that it would change the trajectory of my life.
Two major things happened in my life that week:
1) There was an emphasis on the importance of forgiveness. A woman who had been a victim of rape spoke to us about the necessity of forgiveness as Christians for the sake of not only those who have hurt us, but for ourselves too. That was POWERFUL for me. I had been holding a bitterness towards someone in my family for years, and CHIC was when I first began the process of truly forgiving that person. Forgiveness has given me freedom to live my life without the burden of resentment.
2) Later that week I heard a missionary from Africa speak about her work with the poor and marginalized, and I clearly felt God calling me to the life of international missions. And now, this past week, I have just been commissioned to work with Covenant World Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo! It’s amazing to think that what began eleven years ago, in a stadium with 7,000 young people is today leading to a life of tackling injustice and poverty in Africa.
From these two experiences, I learned that God is real, he is moving, and he cares about my life. God might not be calling you to be a missionary in Africa, but he absolutely made you with certain gifts and talents, and he has a purpose for your life. I challenge you to be open to listen and obey during your time at CHIC. You might be surprised at how God shows up.
~ Christine Buettgen
Be sure to check out www.CHIC2012.org on Friday to see what you’ll find out about CHIC 2012!
It is always wonderful to see and hear of how God uses things like CHIC to call us deeper into a life following him. As her former junior high youth leader, I am always encouraged when I see Christine and hear of her continuing pursuit of Jesus. I thank God for his faithfulness to you Christine and to his church through you!
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07.07.11 at 10:54 am
is there anyone out there that may have the music from CHIC2K? I brought our youth there that year and have exhausted the cd. Thanks.
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08.17.13 at 3:29 am