These areas are being explored in a national survey and your youth ministry/organization is invited to participate.
The uniqueness of this survey is that participating youth ministries/organizations will not only receive the overall results, but also (anonymous) results specifically for their participating group. That means you could poll a school, community, or youth group and learn the real attitudes of that population of youth – not just their “Sunday answers”.
Touch is the Target Urban Youth Survey Phase II is a national, comprehensive, anonymous, and voluntary survey that gives young people a voice as we examine how effective organizations have been in understanding and connecting with the Young people that attend their youth groups, services, after school programs and events. The survey has been designed for youth ages 13-23. It examines their:
- beliefs
- practices
- habits
- values
- preferences
This information will help adults better discern the best way to build relationships that prepare young people to live out their destiny.
To obtain a unique Code for a youth ministry/organization to track the results of the young people in their group, email surveys@destinationdestiny.org. Provide your youth ministry/organization name and key contact information. A Code will be emailed that can be shared with the young people.
- To participate, have the young people go to www.destinationDestiny.org click on the Start Survey link and complete the survey.
- Provide the following link to your students – http://guest.cvent.com/d/pdq5mx
Preview the survey by taking it yourself, make sure you enter Adult Leader in the age question so your results have no bearing on the results for younger participants.
Thank you, in advance, for taking time to have your Youth to participate in this research. We believe this will provide you valuable information to assist your organization in partnering with Young People rather than them being the objects of your efforts, an important and empowering distinction for developing new generations of leaders for today as well as tomorrow.
Please feel free to contact me at dbyrd@destinationdestiny.org. I look forward to hearing from you.
David Byrd
Executive Director
Destination Destiny Ministries