I went to chapel today at an area Christian school. They have a very strong worship band and invited us to stand. We stood through four sets of music sung many, many times. I noticed that a growing number of …
The Competence That Counts
What is the competence that counts most for a preacher or worship leader? Biblical knowledge? Communication creativity and clarity? Devotional depth? Relational giftedness? Persuasive communication of the gospel (evangelism)? Team leadership? Musical depth? Budget management? Time management? Team building skills? …
Worship Practice….who’s invited and who’s included?
The worship team tonight was having too much fun. The electric guitarist was riffing and the pianist was jamming. You could hear it in their voices, so I wandered in to the sanctuary to just sit with them. They acknowledged …
Worship Clothing
Do your clothes match the text? Do worship team members and pastors dress for spiritual intentionality or personal comfort or statement? It does not take long when surfing church web-sites to see a wide range of clothing styles for pastors …
Worship Bailout?
How many of you are employing images and issues from the banking/mortgage/stock market mess this past week in worship Sunday? What illustrations will you use? What visuals are you employing? Have you changed your sermon topic or text to speak …
A Prayer for Worship Leaders
Lord, protect me from me. What I mean Lord is that this week has been so filled with fear and cynicism, that I don’t believe anyone. I don’t believe the candidates. I don’t believe the elected leaders. I don’t believe …