2. I cannot see the screen with the words, pictures, outlines, videos
3. When the room is too cold (or too hot)
4. When I cannot hear what the speaker or singer is saying because they talk too quietly or too fast
5. When there are typos in the bulletin or on the screen
6. When I do not know the songs
7. When I do know all the songs and am bored with the sameness
8. When there are no new people
9. When there are too many new people
10. When the parking lot is so full I have to walk a long way (or just drive home)
11. When something political enters the sermon/teaching
12. When nothing political enters the sermon/teaching
…..How many things trigger an “anger response” from worshipers directed at you the worship leader or pastor when their expectations are not met.
This all started when we got working on improving the sight-lines in the balcony when I am pastor. Some people shared the abysmal viewing from the back rows of the balcony and pledged to help us resolve it. That is a good thing to do, to create a worship space with no “penalty box” seating areas.
But in sharing this project with my wife (who is just about 5 feet tall on a good day) she said “Sight lines! Trying being short! There are no good sight lines when anyone but children are standing. That’s a tall person’s problem.”
It’s a good thing to check our own expectations and what prompts us to anger and to do that with the congregations we serve. How do you do it?