In December 2013, Covenant World Mission welcomed Jo Ellen Reaves back to the United States after 14 years of serving as a project missionary in Oaxaca, Mexico. Through the prayers and financial support of our partners in mission, Jo Ellen served with the Covenant Church of Mexico in Christian formation and discipleship, community development, local Covenant church mission trip facilitation, and a variety of ministries of compassion.

The Covenant’s Executive Minister of World Mission, Curt Peterson, acknowledges that “we are deeply grateful for Jo Ellen and her years of ministry in Mexico. Many lives were impacted by the love of Christ through her gifts, her compassion and her witness. Jo Ellen is a faithful, humble servant of Christ.”
Please continue to pray for Jo Ellen as she transitions back to life in the States and spends the next year visiting her supporters, thanking them for their years of faithful support and sharing what God has done and continues to do in Mexico. Read this excerpt from her letter:
Someone recently sent me this quote from St. Gregory: “When we are linked by the power of prayer, we hold each other’s hand as it were”. I have felt your prayers and appreciated your financial support as I have served in Mexico.
I have seen God at work every day in Mexico and I have every confidence that I will continue to experience God’s hand in my life and in the lives of those around me as I enter into this new phase of my life.
Thanks to you my needs have been supplied. However, the ministries that I have been involved in still have needs and there are other Covenant missionaries in Mexico and around the world who still need support. If you would like to continue to be involved in what God is doing through the Covenant here in Mexico or elsewhere in the world, Covenant World Mission can help you through the discernment process.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”. Lamentations 3: 22-23.
Blessings and peace to you
Jo Ellen
If you would like to enter the Covenant missionary discernment process or support missionaries through prayer and financial giving, click here to learn more!
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