PSWC: Relationship with Jesus Must Drive Ministry

Post a Comment » Written on April 25th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

OAKLAND, CA (April 25, 2012) – Attendees to the Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC) Annual Meeting were exhorted throughout the gathering to participate in new ministry initiatives, but also were encouraged that their involvement must flow from deepening …

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Briefs: Naval Academy Sermon, Overcoming ‘Obstacles’

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Smith Preaches at U.S. Naval Academy

ANNAPOLIS, MD (April 23, 2012) – Efrem Smith, superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church, doesn’t remember exactly how discussions started three years ago to have him preach at the …

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Novak Nominated to Lead Covenant Ordered Ministry

21 comments Written on April 20th, 2012     
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CHICAGO, IL (April 20, 2012) – Mark Novak has been nominated to serve as executive minister of the Department of the Ordered Ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church, it was announced today.

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Missionaries Not Harmed by Volcanic Eruption

Post a Comment » Written on April 19th, 2012     
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MEXICO CITY, MEXICO (April 19, 2012) – Evangelical Covenant Church missionaries are reported safe following an eruption by the Popocatepetl volcano located southeast of the city, Covenant News Service has learned.

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New Name for Covenant Clergy Women Organization

3 comments Written on April 19th, 2012     
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CHICAGO, IL (April 19, 2012) – Advocates for Covenant Clergy Women (ACCW) is the new name for the organization previously known as the Association for Covenant Clergy Women.

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May 1 Declared Day of Prayer for Alaska Teens

3 comments Written on April 18th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

EAGLE RIVER, AK (April 18, 2012) – The 14-year-old girl stood before other campers at Covenant Bible Camp and told them of the emotional pain that had tormented her and nearly pushed her to suicide.

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Deadline Approaching for Tax Credit for Churches

Post a Comment » Written on April 17th, 2012     
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CHICAGO, IL (April 17, 2012) – The May 15 deadline is approaching for local Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) congregations to take advantage of a tax credit that returned more than $500,000 to Covenant churches last year, notes ECC Controller Elliott …

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Kansas Church Not Damaged by Tornado

Post a Comment » Written on April 16th, 2012     
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WICHITA, KS (April 16, 2012) – A member of The Journey (Covenant) Church suffered a broken toe, but his mobile home was not damaged when a twister packing winds up to 165 miles per hour slammed into the Pinaire Mobile …

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HEAL Africa Leader Inspired a Generation

2 comments Written on April 16th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

GOMA, DR CONGO (April 16, 2012) – The work of HEAL Africa, which treats victims of the bloodiest conflict in the world’s poorest country, will continue despite the recent death of its internationally honored founder, Lyn …

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Links: What Covenanters Are Talking About Online

Post a Comment » Written on April 13th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (April 13, 2012) – Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Following is a sample of those …

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