Palmberg Announces Decision to Retire Next Year

Post a Comment » Written on July 12th, 2007     
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CHICAGO, IL (July 12, 2007) – Dr. Glenn R. Palmberg will retire as president of the Evangelical Covenant Church effective August 31, 2008.

Palmberg informed the Executive Board of his decision during its June meeting as part of the 122nd Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon. A Presidential Nominating Committee is being formed and will convene in October to begin the search process.

Palmberg“One of the goals, when I was elected president, was to establish a new Department of Compassion, Mercy and Justice, and I was able to see that dream fulfilled,” Palmberg says in reference to his installation of Debbie Blue as the first executive minister of the new department. “I saw that as part of my calling, and it was a high moment in my life.”

When first elected, Palmberg says he anticipated serving two terms, “but the work exceeded my own expectations. I decided to enter a third term in large part because I saw the potential for creation of the new department and wanted to see that become a reality.”

Palmberg believes he has essentially completed the vision he brought to the work and feels it is time to turn over leadership to a new president who can bring a fresh vision to the church. “I am announcing my decision more than a year in advance to make certain there is adequate time for the nominating committee to complete a thorough search process,” Palmberg notes.

“While the travel required provides an incredible opportunity to meet new people and see how God is at work throughout the Covenant and the world, it does play into the decision,” Palmberg says. “I will have served 10 years (as president), which is a good length in an office like this. Before I became president, I served eight years as a conference superintendent (North Pacific Conference). Both involved significant travel and many weekends away from home.”

As to his future plans, he says, “I would like to spend the years of service I have left doing less travel and focus my attention on issues about which I have a lot of passion, especially hunger and poverty.” He says he will explore opportunities to serve in some part-time capacity addressing those areas of need.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to have served the church in this manner,” Palmberg says of his tenure. “It has been a privilege and a great joy, and I leave with great gratitude for the people who have supported me and my family. I love the Covenant and will continue to be active in the Covenant church, confident that God will bring a new vision for the future through new leadership.”

Editor’s note: the accompanying photo was taken as Palmberg (left) installed Debbie Blue (kneeling) as the first executive minister of the newly created Department of Compassion, Mercy and Justice. The installation came as part of the 122nd Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, last month. At right is Lee Richman, a member of the Executive Board who chaired the nominating committee that recommended Blue for the position.

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