Roy was recently blessed to be the person chosen to do devotions at the local women’s self help group. It was exciting to see all these women, meeting together and dedicated to helping each other along life’s way. They number …
MG can see!
My dear friend, MG, from our weekly bible stories across the river, was able to have cataract surgery this past week. Oh my! What joy! She was practically blind in one eye and is working up to that in the …
It’s not Valentine’s Day, is it?
I stepped “out back” after visiting with friends and drinking plenty of tea, only to find that the opening, which used to be a circle, has morphed into a heart, I assume with recent reinforcements to the platform. It sure …
We are protected
When Roy and ag team went east to a village the other day, they got to see first hand our UN troops. They are many and they seem capable and intent on keeping the peace. We are thankful they are …
A visit to an ag co-op
How wonderful it was for Roy to be able to go with the CEFA ag team out to a village co-op They went to help plot out their coffee orchard. Roy learned a new method of squaring off the plot, …
Undone by B’s thoughtfulness
While doing errands after teaching a bible lesson across the river yesterday, I ran into my sweet friend, B. I have known her practically all her life, and she has always been the huggiest, sweetest buddy for me. She has …
H has a new grandbaby!
How sweet to meet Abduraman Sudeisi! A big name for a little guy! He is as cute as his mom and grandma, isn’t he? I am touched, as always, by these friends’ ability to live and love and function with …
Getting back into the swing of things
We have settled back in, having come home to a hot meal with our missionary colleagues, a clean house, and a good night’s sleep in our own bed. We look forward to plenty of catching up with friends and ministry, …
Journey mercies
We are so thankful to be back at home, after having flown and driven for many, many hours. The welcome was/is overwhelming! Everyone has made sure first that Roy has recovered as they have showered us with ear to ear …
We’re in Yaounde after a wonderful delay!
We were on our way to Africa via Istanbul with Turkish Airlines (why? you ask? cheapest tickets!) and got delayed. We missed our flight due to Turkish Air, so they put us up in Istanbul for 24 hours. What a …