When we arrived to a friend’s compound the other day, we found that it was naming day for the new member of the family, a 7 day old beautiful baby girl. They make quite a big deal out of the …
Cocoa production
Taking the cocoa beans from the pod
Pouring the cocoa beans and pulp into a gunny sack
Leaving the beans to fermentDrying the beans after fermentation
How wonderful it is to see cocoa pods being processed into profits! CEFA …
Cattle back, us too
The cattle are back, eating the lovely green grass of their home pastures, rather than having to be closely scrutinized each moment to make sure they weren’t getting into someone’s garden as they grazed. We are thankful for a return …
Failure to communicate
Sometimes when we have a conversation in Sango or Fulfulde, the wires can get crossed. What we think we hear and what we are completely convinced that we made clear can turn into figments of our imagination. When Roy got …
Please pray for A
My dear friend, A, wife of our cattle caretaker, will undergo surgery tomorrow, Tuesday the 30th. Please pray for her healing, and pray for the deep love of the Lord to be revealed to her.
Earthly treasures
We had a real life lesson in not trying to store up earthly treasures this past week. We were helping some friends by packing their belongings to be ready for a 15 hour bumpy dirt road trip instead of the …
Civet helper
Leanne Turk just recently took in two palm spotted civet kittens, and they are climbers! If you’re in the Turks’ office trying to hook up with internet, they just might try to help you type an email! The problem is …
Just a bug to make you smile
Wow! All I can say is wow! My favorite color! Praise the Creator of the universe!
Blessings for new deacons and deaconesses
Our helper in our home, Sylvie, recently was asked to be a deaconess in the local church. She took some time to pray about it, at first not sure of accepting the position. After consideration, she felt that even though …
Friends settling on our side of the river
On my way in to the mission one day, I came upon a huge herd of very healthy-looking cattle going in the opposite direction, ie, into the bush around the CEFA farm. There were big fat mamas and papas and …