Category Archives: Prayer requests


This little friend has TB, but she’s not coughing.  Xrays revealed severe bone damage in her leg, and 3 weeks ago she couldn’t stand. For a few months before coming across the border to the mission hospital, she just sat …

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Please pray for more


As I consider the future, and think about our dear colleague, Pastor B, I realize what a great need there is for others to come alongside us in reaching out to our Fulani friends.  Pastor B is recently widowed and …

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Up a tree!

blog-up-a-treeWe haven’t been able to get online for 2 weeks now, even across the river where the connection is usually much better.  Thankfully most of the time we can send and receive email, but even that can be problematic if …

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blog oopsIt’s the middle of rainy season and the road out to the farm is a work in progress.  They’re trying to make this very bad stretch into smooth road, and that means filling in the holes and crevasses; read – …

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Thank you for the encouragement!

Century plant toppled over and dying, but sending out thousands of new plantsblog hurry up and reproduceI was overwhelmed by the responses I received after my “Overload” post, and I just want to say thank you!  Thank you for the encouragements, the prayers, …

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blog overload 8.16

It has been quite a week, with happenings that make me cry out to the Lord, “why, why, why?!?”. A Fulani friend of ours lost twins in premature labor before she could even get across the river to our …

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Seeking Allah, finding Jesus

One of the most common questions we are asked as we share our story of being in relationships with Muslixms is “are you safe/do you fear M attacks?”  I have to tell you, our Fulani M friends are so welcoming …

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Good news from C.A.R.

We have continuing reports that our M friends are beginning to cross the border for medical help.  This is such an encouragement to us, that there is hope.  Please pray that the home villages of these, who were mercilessly chased …

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Thanks for your prayers for my hand surgery

No, I’m not going to post a less than lovely picture of my hand with stitches still in, although I know some of you would be delighted to see it!  At least our little Emrie and Maia keep asking to …

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C.A.R.’s new President Touadera, sworn in

BBC reports: A former prime minister and maths professor in Central African Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadera, has been sworn in as president at a ceremony held at the national stadium in the capital, Bangui.

He promised to promote peace and to …

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