Category Archives: Fun

Sweat bees

Little did we know that sweat bees, the pesky gnat like creatures that buzz around your head and get in your hair, especially when you’re hot and sweaty, (hence our nickname for them) actually make tasty honey?  We knew that …

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In a society where all livestock; goats, pigs, sheep, and chickens, run freely, it always surprises me when I see some effort made to provide for the care of any animal.  The owner of these pigeons obviously wants them to …

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Bon Appetit!

I oftentimes forget to look up during my afternoon walks around the farm, concentrating on where my feet fall, not stepping in puddles or on snakes, heaven forbid!  Don’t worry, I have only come across one snake during all my …

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Wow, this week was full of blooms!  God’s creativity stuns me, over and over.  Praise be to our Creator!

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Sharing some backyard beauty

Pink roses and gloriosa lilies climbing up our little water tank supports.  Lovely!

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Pizza delivery

I guess when in South Africa and you order take-out pizza, the motorcycle comes through the shop, where it is safely kept, and trundles down stairs or a ramp from the second story to get the pizza to your door!  …

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New kid on the block

Ever feel like this?  Like everything around you is huge and overwhelming?  We should take a lesson from Noni, the wonder puppy.  She takes it in stride, confident that all is well, believing that she is loved and will be …

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Roy home in time

I’m late in the posting, but Roy was back to CAR in time for his birthday on July 18th.  I guess you might not know what this fruit is, it is a durian and Roy is absolutely in seventh heaven …

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Durian, the fruit that you either love or hate!  This picture says it all!  Delight and disgust!  Some say eating it is like enjoying custard in a sewer.

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Road to work

People, dogs, motorcycles, and sheep are the norm at our “busy” mission intersection!  Because the sheep gather and completely block one side of the “roundabout”, traffic going both ways is in the habit of keeping to the left to turn …

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