Category Archives: Fun

You need to replace your windshield wipers?

We not only needed a special kind of windshield wipers, we needed a new lightbulb for our little ceiling light inside the cab of the truck. Both were available, for a total of about $8! The store owner even came …

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What’s that chirping noise outside the bedroom window?

Sounds like a cricket, but it’s a cute little bat! He’s not very big, he could easily fit in your hand.

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Used tea bags and hiccups

During the Kerls (Covenant mission’s Africa regional coordinators) recent visit, we did our best to host them well, but, you know, the best laid plans of mice and men…
John came down with what we now think was the flu …

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Wait a minute! Three bridges and a photo of Fulani? I guess I just wanted to emphasize that the work that we do here with our Mxslim friends is all about bridge building. We are building bridges …

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One stop shopping

So, you have eggs and tylenol on your shopping list? You can get them both at this booth in the town across the border, pharmacy and egg store combined. The eggs come from a chicken farm to the north, and …

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Fast food

Here’s one of the “fast food” places in the town across the border. There are 4 guys/counters that share one big room and we go there every Monday to have a bite to eat after we’ve done our lessons & …

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A snake at Friday night fun night!

There we were, enjoying ourselves, and the movie for the little kids had just finished. We heard Bobby call from the front porch, “Papa, I see a snake!”. We all rushed out into the dark, armed with flashlights and two …

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A snake in church!

There we were, a bunch of ladies squished all together along the bench at the back of the church, peacefully listening to a women’s group sing, when all of a sudden the woman just one person over from me jumped …

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Baby Kingfisher

Poor little guy, the little boy who was selling frogs had this baby bird in his hand. I imagine he found it somewhere near its nest and thought it a possible toy or maybe a way to make an easy …

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Here’s a first, bundles of frogs for sale at the door, first thing on a Saturday morning! You want some frog legs for supper?

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