Category Archives: Fun


No, Roy didn’t forget to complete the sign.  THE is tea in French – you don’t have to put the accent on upper case printing, while in lower case it would read “thé”.  The tea is actually growing well and …

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Palm destroyed

Our dear friend and ministry colleague, Paul N., is crazy about palm trees.  He usually plants just those that are beneficial in some way, but he planted these beautiful, purely ornamental, Bismarkia palms at the base of the CEFA farm …

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Watch out! Durians are in season!

Seriously, you do not want to be under a durian tree at this time of year!  Aside from the attack on your sense of smell, you do not want to get bonked on the head by one of these spiny, …

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Rainy season

It is definitely rainy season.  Crops and weeds are burgeoning, flowers are blooming, and big flying termites are coming out at midnight some nights after big rains – great protein for hungry tummies!

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Just for fun – beautiful creation


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Celebration at the local Catholic Church

Wow!  The pomp and circumstance of the local Catholic Church’s service was something to experience!  We were invited to attend the blessing service, on Pentecost Sunday, of 3 newly appointed Abbes.  Complete with incense and bells, parading the cross up …

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Roy the orchid guy

Roy’s orchid hobby has given us such joy-filled wonder over the years.  Orchids from all over the world have been blooming on our porches and in our homes, just for the beauty of them.  Not for food or for development, …

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Our right hand guy, Antonio, had a time of it digging this termite mound out, surprised to find more than one queen each with her egg sack undulating with a bazillion babies.  Makes for a nice little snack for some …

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Beauty this week

We praise the God of creation!

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Overload with a front seat view

How would you like to sit up where these guys are?  Tropical sun shining harshly down on you while dust billows up, or rain pelting you relentlessly as you hold on for dear life when the whole truck tips side …

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