Category Archives: Fun

So you need to replace an iPod wire?

Okay, while your windshield was being replaced, your iPod wire to the car speakers went missing. You want to replace it, and you know of a missionary buddy from Yaounde who is in the states for 3 weeks. Perfect! You …

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Visitor at Sunday night devotions

Apparently our buddy Kim had brought this treasure over earlier in the day to show Roy, and Roy put it in the living room to see how long it would take someone to notice it at our gathering of 13 …

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The hamburger bean

Well, that’s not its real name, but that’s what we call it, because it looks like a hamburger for your favorite doll or stuffed animal.

Yesterday Roy pointed out the vine to me. I had never seen one before


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Yesterday Roy was crazy

Today his neck hurts. Yeah, trying to push a 2 ton log off its comfortable sand bed is maybe not the smartest thing a person can do, EVEN with water and tide and slippery sand to help you. We’ve been …

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Not some more?!

Yes, here we have a couple more, just hanging around. How did they all get the same sunglasses? Must’ve been a sale.

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Rain, rain, rain

Well, we know that September is usually the rainiest month of the year for this part of Africa, but we really needed this break. So, we’ve been enjoying the peace and quiet, the reading time, the time to just enjoy …

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Hey, not another one!

Well, the owners of this little guest house have some interesting taste in renters!

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Don’t park under a coconut tree!

Even if you want to park in the end space, in the shade. Even if you think by parking in the last space of the 7 spaces available (which, by the way, for most of our vacation, have been empty), …

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Hey, who are these guys?

Some others, just hanging around our room for vacation!

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Hey, who is this guy?

Just hanging around with us during our vacation!

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