Category Archives: Fun

What’s your choice of pillow? Feather? Polyfiber?

Oftentimes patients and patients’ family members will take a nap under one of the trees on the hospital compound. They usually will lie down right on a mat, with perhaps an arm under their head as a pillow. This man …

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Welcome Soleil

Aaron & Michelle Larsen came from Gemena, Congo, to Gamboula to have their baby. They ended up waiting a week beyond the due date before Soleil came. We are enjoying this young couple – Aaron was one of our son …

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Sweden wins again!

We get an “analytic” of visits to this blogsite every Monday. It has graphs and statistics and some percentages I can’t even begin to understand, but it does quote some basic very understandable facts as well. I just want to …

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Walking in a morass of dogs!

My friend, Susan, and I walk down the hill to the river (about a 3 mile hike) a few afternoons a week. We enjoy the time to chat, and sometimes we get into deep discussions, but most times we just …

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Visitors from Shanghai?

We hadn’t on planned on our weekly visit across the border this week, because we had been told last week that the aid groups were going to show up on Thursday to do their handouts and free clinics for the …

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Your intestinal parasites say what?!?!?

While visiting some Fulani friends in the TB ward of the hospital, a Fulani friend who was also visiting told me about her tummy troubles! She said that she was experiencing distress and wanted medicine. I told her that sometimes …

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Kids playing in the rain!

What fun to watch, kids squooshing in the mud, enjoying the feel of the rain rushing down out of the rainspout onto their heads or their tummies. Oh the giggles and the chatter!

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Gabon viper

Disclaimer: DanBilly & KirstyLou, don’t read this or if you do just try to keep in mind that viper venom kills!
It was a dark and rainy night, and we were about 2/3 of the way home from Berberati. We …

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Flower princesses!

Wonderful fun can be had with a little imagination!

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The buddies together!!

Whether it be working on “THE ARTICLE” or “THE BOOK”, playing frisbee, planting trees, eating strange, hairy, bumpy, ugly and sometimes scary tropical fruit, or just telling stories, forever best buddy Paul Noren and Roy are like two peas in …

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