Category Archives: Fun

Okay, who brought the cold weather?

We had to travel from Seattle to Spokane last week, and when Keith G. loaned us his car and his wife Florence started talking about chains, we NEVER dreamed we’d actually have to use them!  After all, the crocuses were …

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Take a break!

We are so thankful to be able to take breaks, in God’s beautiful creation, and enjoy time with family!   Roy is a happy camper with this trout, and his dad is sure to follow suit and we’ll all have happy …

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Sunset at Pacifica Beach in San Francisco

From southern California and an awesome visit with family and friends and the Rolling Hills Covenant Church, we settled in at Roy’s folks’ home in Citrus Heights as our base.  What a delight …

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Bremen Holy Walk

In little Bremen, Indiana, they have a wonderful tradition.  Many churches and volunteers put on a “holy walk”.  They bus groups of people out to a field on a local farm, in the dark with no electric lights in the …

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It’s snowing!!! Well, it was a few minutes ago.

Okay, so we were super pleased to have been in 95 degree heat in Arizona the last weekend in October – just 11 days ago!!! I have a feeling the cold is going to be a bit harder to get …

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We had a lovely time in Arizona last weekend, enjoying God’s creativity in the desert. Can you see the elephant and the mouse? These rock formations reminded of me of mushrooms and also of termite mounds in Africa!

Actually, don’t …

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Miss Liberty & Kirsty

Oh we had a lovely time with our niece, Kirsty, in NYC.  We visited Ellis Island and Miss Liberty and mostly just enjoyed catching up with Kirsty.  It was humbling to understand better what immigrants had to go through.  We …

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Picking the perfect pumpkin

and having fun at the pumpkin farm in the meantime!

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Exploring Boston

We are in Connecticut for a few days, sharing at Woodstock Covenant, and we had the opportunity to sightsee in Boston. It was a busy Saturday, but we had great fun walking on the Freedom Trail. I was especially touched …

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Sweet to be with friends

We were welcomed warmly and treated royally by Ken & Adrienne Satterberg.  They sure make a cute couple!  We had a lovely fresh trout breakfast (Roy & Ken & friend Greg had caught them a couple of days earlier at …

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