Category Archives: Fun


We are back in full swing, unpacked and settled in. We had a group of Peace Corps people show up unexpectedly the other day, interested in seeing the ag development going on. We had them in for lunch – I …

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Jumping through the hoops – oops!

So we’re back on the African continent, and that meant signing up again for cell phone coverage and internet.  It also meant buying new phones, as we had left one back in Gamboula and we had given our other one …

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Crazy panic kilikili – chicken with its head cut off?!?!

Okay, so the last days in Indiana and the first days in Africa were not as calm and organized as I had dreamed.  Surprise!  I was thinking of that old saying “running around like a chicken with its head cut …

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You ever traveled with Roy Danforth??

You go somewhere with Roy, you have to expect greenery or seeds or SOMETHING that loves dirt, maybe the main reason being that I think Roy loves dirt!  He is at his happiest, digging and planting and weeding. These  particular …

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The home reverts to just a house again

We had an amazing year in Plymouth, Indiana and now it’s time to say goodbye! The living room is empty

but our hearts carry the memories we built here over the past year
We packed our bags, turning this

into …

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Roy, the fine specimen

Well, being on home assignment in the states for a year isn’t all drudgery.  We have had some wonderful fun inbetween and around the work times.  One of Roy’s favorite haunts is Dairy Queen, and somehow he manages to keep …

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Great grandma & great granddaughter


Do you think they’re related???   I couldn’t find a photo with Maia with the same expression as her great grandmother Mary in this photo, but other than her rounder blue eyes, she sure didn’t fall far from the family …

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That’s what families are for!

While enjoying a special one on one outing, read “date”, with Maddie, she made a sweet and interesting comment, out of the blue.

“Gramdee, that’s what families are for; taking the kids to the park!”  We had a giggly, energetic …

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He is risen! Hallelujah!

We had a packed day today!  Up at 4:30am to get Josh’s longed for Danish puff prepared before our sunrise service around a bonfire in Josh & Kimia’s backyard.  A couple of families, who have become dear friends to all …

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Tea Party, anyone?

Oh my did we have the time of our lives, with our Maddie as the center of attention for her belated birthday tea party at the American Girl Cafe in downtown Chicago!  It was a gift to have this possibility …

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