Category Archives: Fun

Where did the years go??

Our sons and their families were together last weekend and they celebrated Sam’s birthday. 29!!! That’s our baby!!!

From the photos they sent us and the phone conversation we had, it seems that they had an amazing weekend together. Check …

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Fan the flame!

Okay, sometimes we have a cozy fire during our Sunday evening prayer meetings. Yes, the heat actually feels nice on some cool nights! Well, “cool” is relative, isn’t it. Cool to us is maybe 68-73. (o;
This particular night the …

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Monday, wash day???

When I got up at 5am, the sky looked clear even though it was still dark, and before 6 there was clear blue sky overhead. I had to catch up on laundry, what with trying to hit on a sunny …

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The Shinars are here!!! Hip hip hooray!!!

We are so jazzed to have Josh, Lori, and Charlie (Charlotte) Shinar finally here at Gamboula with us.  They have been on the continent since May, but were doing some preliminary Fulfulde study up in northern Cameroon.  They have been …

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Jakfruit! Yum!!

Lots of people have asked us what jackfruit looks like and tastes like – we can at least show you what it looks like.  It tastes yummy and is one of the most successful (from Malaysia).   Most people like it …

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Creative Ironing 101

Well, if you have a Swedish style ironing board that doesn’t have a tip small enough for ironing shoulder seams, what do you do??? You use your hand!!! Here’s Mattieu ironing a blouse shoulder. Thankfully I found out that he …

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The Olympics, real time at Gamboula??? No way!!

Yes, courtesy of Tim & Ann Wester, missionary colleagues, we watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night, AS IT HAPPENED!!!! Now, to help you understand how excited we were to watch the Queen jump out of the helicopter …

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The beach!!!

We recently had a wonderful 10 days of complete relaxation at the beach with dear friends Tim and Helen Smith.  We laughed and played games, ate alot, walked on the beach and watched movies, ate alot, did puzzles and some …

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Midnight snack time!

We woke up at 1 am the other night to laughter and tinny clunks and lots of people noise.  It had just rained the previous evening, so the timing was right for the big termites to come flying out of …

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Our garden

This lily was brightly waiting for us in our side yard when we arrived!

Apparently the yard was a total jungle, so we are excited to have it looking so good in so short a time. We’ll be eating the …

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