Category Archives: Fun

Now that’s making use of your available land!

BEAN GARDENS for a front yard!  Not the usual swept bare dirt, but actually food producing landscaping!  Encouraging to see!

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Thanksgiving at Gamboula!

We were a huge crowd, what with 2 Wycliffe families from our nearby banking town, and Dr. Isac from Sweden, and 6.x Norens here. Our normal 13 people was swelled to 28!! It was a great time of fellowship and …

Posted in Family & Friends, Fun | 1 Comment

Turkeys, anyone?

Ben, a recent college grad who is here at Gamboula to home school Timothy Turk, has an inordinate love for and drive to raise chickens.  Upon arrival to Gamboula in September, he immediately started to try to build a “chicken …

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Flora or fauna?

A beautiful fuzzy creature, wonderful to admire, but if you touch it – KAZOW!!! You can end up with a swollen hand and be taking meds for the infection and swelling if you can’t stop yourself from itching! Some things …

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Wrap your head around this!

This email came awhile ago from a friend, Lucy Dobbs: The True Size of Africa is a map by Kai Krause that truly clarifies just how big this continent is. I mean, you know in your mind it’s big but …

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Celebrating the feast of the lamb

We celebrated Abraham’s faithfulness and God’s gift of a ram for sacrifice last Friday with Musxlim friends.  Jan Cone, Lori Shinar, and I went to various homes right here in “downtown” Gamboula:

We had some good conversations and some absolutely …

Posted in Ceremonies & church happenings, Fun, Mission, Transportation | 3 Comments

Do you need to call roadside service?

Believe it or not, this is a road, not a river!  Our ag director, Benoit, was on a trip to a village just north of us, and came to a section of road where he had to rely on guys …

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In the BIG city!

Okay, so we drove from our little podunk mission station/town in the bush to the bustling metropolis of Yaounde on Thursday.  It took us about 9 hours to cover about 315 miles over roads that evolve gradually from very rough, …

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Byron’s here!

Byron Amundsen, Covenant Mission’s Director of Administration and Finance, is here at Gamboula visiting for a few days.  He is in the middle of an Africa tour, having just come from Congo and soon to continue on to Cameroon.  He’s …

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Volleyball match at Gamboula today!

The guys from “downtown” played against the guys from the mission. It was a fun game to watch, with lots of great, long volleys and good slams. Look how they attach the net to the poles, and how they keep …

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