Category Archives: Fun

Celebrating by jumping out of planes!!!

blog yde air

blog yde 5.13

Maybe you can’t quite make them out, but these are parachutists, part of the air show here in Yaounde on Sunday. Not exactly my chosen method of celebrating, but it was fun to watch other crazies do it!   There were …

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Home away from home

Here at the SIL/Wycliffe guesthouse in the big busy city of Yaounde, we each have our own little cubicle rooms with bed, table & chair, and wannabe closet, but we share bathrooms and the dining area and kitchen. I happen …

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Random acts of kindness

The power was out last night, and there we were, Roy & I, sitting at our computers, in the dark, sweltering in our little room at the SIL/Wycliffe guesthouse in Yaounde. It is a small room with no cross ventilation, …

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It took HOW MANY HOURS??!?!

Ay ay ay! We are living in Cameroon, in a sort of exile cum refugee state of being, and in order to be here legally, we need to register our vehicle with a temporary permission slip. In order to survive, …

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Kribi! We are blessed!

Here are some images of our time at the beach thus far. We have been here since March 28th, and have enjoyed many different configurations of friends before, during, and after our Covenant missionary fellowship. Sometimes serious and worshipful, sometimes …

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Did you see those beautiful flowers we just passed?

Roy is a sucker for flowers to propagate, and it doesn’t matter where we’re going or how we are getting there, he is always on the lookout! Whether we’re flying here and there in the states, or traveling along a …

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Another container arrived!

That’s right, another container, FULL of medical supplies, used clothing, mowers for the airstrip, and a jeep!  After a lot of hot and heavy work, the hospital’s storerooms are chock full!  We have really been blessed here with many containers …

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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day OR Happy Guys Throwing Things Day!

Ben Wilkerson is our resident wannabe Sean Connery – not because he’s a world famous spy, but because he’s a SCOT!!! Ben, who is more Irish than Scottish but definitely prefers claiming the latter, organized a Celtic sport celebration, and …

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Another hitchhiker?

Well, not exactly.  We picked up the chameleon, below, on our trip to Yaounde, but we went to Yaounde to do some shopping for construction supplies and to  pick up Timothy Chapman, who has come to be with us for …

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A hitchhiker

There we were, Luke Turk, Roy, Heidi Renkema & I, tooling along on the dirt road portion of our trip to Yaounde, Cameroon, last week, when all of a sudden, Luke puts on the brakes and says, “chameleon!”  Luke is …

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