Category Archives: Fun

Bees, bees, bees

Hurray!   Timothy was able to get a whole hive of bees, who were amazingly and thankfully the mild mannered sort, they didn’t even divebomb attack him when their tree home was chopped down and hit the dirt.  He was able …

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Grace’s florist shop

Awhile back, Roy was able to help out an enterprising friend in Cameroon.  Grace was in the process of setting up flower fields and a florist shop.   A part of Roy’s spare time and hobby interest is raising flowers, mainly …

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Thankful for freedom!!!!

I know, I know, it’s already the 10th, BUT we didn’t celebrate July 4th (which was a Thursday and a non-holiday here) until July 7th, and internet has been a challenge lately.  So, here I am, saying I am so …

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Officially saying “I do” after 30 years of marriage

Our dear friends, Armand and Jeannette, celebrated 30 years of marriage by tying the knot officially, in two ceremonies, with the state and the church.  It was a fun filled day, singing, laughing, and praying blessings over these two.


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Out on a field trip today

We took a hike to explore a path to cross the river into Cameroon this morning.  Crazy me, I forgot to bring a hat or an umbrella to shade my head.  Goodness, try walking about 3 hours in the tropic …

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Ready to roll! So what if we don’t have our truck here!

We have left our truck just across the river in Cameroon, as we do not yet trust the state of the whole country.  If we just considered our little town and the immediate area surrounding it, we’d use it freely, …

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What does your coffee break time look like?

To me, a coffee break is usually just that, a cup of coffee, but it is extra special because of the photos of kids and grandkids on the coffee cup.  For our Swedish colleagues, “fika” at 10 am usually has …

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What do YOU do when you turn 60??

Okay, so this email is 2 weeks late, but I just got the photos off Rose-Marie’s camera yesterday.  (o;

blog RM bday (5)

Rose-Marie gave her own birthday party!  She invited a whole slew of friends for a big noon meal, complete with a …

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Just chillin’

blog w feel like

This little guy (photo courtesy of Timothy C.)is doing what we all need to do.  Chillin’!  Worrying or flustering are pretty useless in terms of changing things, especially country sized things.  I really like this comment from our dear friend …

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Takin’ a short walk

Roy, Kim, and Timothy took a walk the other day to check out the path down to river where we can cross by canoe into Cameroon should the need ever arise.  News continues to come in, some good stuff but …

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