Category Archives: Fun

Oops, hot water system on the blink!

blog hot water whoopsDo you want to know what NOT to do when you set up a hot water system like ours?  It’s been working well up until now.  It is gravity powered because it sits up near the eaves.  It is not …

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Goodbye and God bless our three Swedelies!

blog Swedelies
Elin, Sofie, and Veronica will be sorely missed. They have been a wonderful addition for their 6 months with us here at Gamboula. They have brought laughter and music and tenderness and willing spirits and helpful hands and joy, and …

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Where is our own personal nerd herd, Mr. Josh Shinar?!?!

Oh, antennas, routers, computers, switches, power cords, POE’s, all those initials like DHCP and DNS and who knows what… Equipment is biting the dust left and right, alas and alack! We are thankful for email and phone and skype connection …

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Suture anyone?

Has anyone ever told you about driver’s ants’ back-up job when they get tired of running in marching formation eating everything in sight, live or dead?  They will give up their lives to be suture – if you line them …

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We’ve moved!!

Don’t go changing our address in your files, it’s still the same, at least as snailmail and email go, but we have moved out to our new home at the CEFA farm!  Thanks to help from many – here are …

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Special moments in Lesotho

These first ones speak for themselves, moments of joy with the kidsblog seas 9 blog seas6 blog seas3 blog seas2blog seas4

I confess I do like cats better than dogs, but I don’t think Everest the cat is playing fair here, such a tease!blog seas1This was a super fun …

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Camping just an hour away

blog camping6We drove about an hour to an amazing farm/wilderness property that Sam and Anna had previously visited.  While Sam bow hunted, the rest of us enjoyed camping and hiking and playing.  We tossed a frisbee football around and it bounced …

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Still in Africa

blog 12 lesotho1Okay, so the road isn’t a dirt based, rutted one, but this is still Africa.


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Big hunter!


Thump! went something on the front bumper.  Sam pulled over, grabbed a bag out of the back of the car, and went running back down the highway with a grin on his face.  Anna followed, while the kids asked …

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Thank you, God, for protection!

blog 12 green mamba blog 12 green mamba1


Roy and I were reunited in Yaounde after a month’s separation.  We were guests of Karl & Mary Noren, and neighbors to our Gamboula buddies, the Turks, who are in Yaounde for this school year.  A gardener saw and …

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