Category Archives: Fun

Feeling hungry?

blog yum1Timothy spotted this viper, indulging in a noon day meal, in my herb garden, right next to our back porch.

blog yum 2Amazing what they can swallow!

blog yum3

Can’t quite get its mouth shut yet, or maybe this is a huge burp!

blog yum 4

Now, …

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Whoo hoooooo!!! We’ve got internet, and electricity again at the farm!

Thanks to Josh Shinar’s and Luke Turk’s willingness to come and help us out, we now have lights that work at night, cell phones that work right inside our house, and internet that works right there in our living room!  …

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We were treated to an amazing sunset one night, which included the rare sightings of both the Equatorial Guinea island (the two parts of which are nearest the sun in the photo) AND Mount Cameroon (near the crook of the …

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New friends at Kribi

blog AndreaBernhard

Who’da thunk we’d meet these 2 dear people at Kribi and end up friends so quickly?  Andrea and Bernhard from Germany showed up in a room next to us at the beach at Kribi, having arrived on motorbike after travelling …

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Our buddies, the Cones, heading stateside

blog Jan Kim

What can we say?  We so enjoy Jan & Kim Cone!  They are our colleagues in Fulani ministry, the parents of one of our daughters-in-law and therefore co-grandparents of 3 of our grandchildren, the ones we can talk to about …

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R n R

We are at the beach, under advisement from our regional coordinators, for a bit of time to be away from the tensions of the last few months.   We are thankful for this beautiful place to relax.   We will not have …

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Josh, Lori, and Charlie!

Oh, what fun!  We had a super 2 days with the Shinars, and I can tell you honestly that though we miss them at Gamboula, it was wondrous to see them shine in this new place of ministry.   Josh was …

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What??!? A GPS in Africa?!?!?

blog GPS

We were trying to get directions from a friend to drive up north in Cameroon, on roads we hadn’t been on before.  His printer was not cooperating, so he offered us his GPS.  What?  Yes, that little Garmin had Cameroon …

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Happy Birthday, Mom!!!


It’s Roy’s mom’s birthday today, March 16.  Roy & I just chatted with Mom & Dad on Skype-to-phone a few minutes ago, 9 am California time, 5 pm Gamboula time.  I can’t even begin to tell you how I …

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Fruit fruit fruit!

We are enjoying jakfruit and bananas and plantains and passion fruit and oranges and avocados and guavas, every day, coming out of our ears, but I had to laugh when this particular fruit, the pineapple, showed up in our kitchen!  …

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