Category Archives: Fun

Big celebration of graduates from Khula creche

It was a huge day at the end of the school year, the 5 year olds at the Khula preschool will be at the local primary school next year, so they had a graduation ceremony, complete with caps and gowns …

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Celebrating birthdays early!


Our grands, Elaina and Sawyer, are both going to have birthdays soon after our planned departure date from South Africa, Dec. 19th.  We decided not to miss out on all the fun, so we had a party on Saturday …

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Sharing lunch

We were enjoying having lunch at a lovely little restaurant overlooking a beautiful gorge (you can’t see it so well because it was a foggy day), when the waitress asked us if we wanted to feed the birds.  Turns out …

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Special gift

blog flowers

What a sweet surprise!  There was a knock on our door, and who did we find outside?  Two little angels bearing gifts of love!  It is so wonderful to be here with our grandchildren!  If we have to wait for …

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Visas! Hurray!

blog visas

This is week old news to those who follow our kids’ facebook, but we are rejoicing because our Samfam got their South African visas!  Thank you for praying.  It was quite the patience building experience for them.  While Roy & …

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Pure delight!

roy fish

God gave Roy the gift of a Sunday afternoon, fishing with the kids, and his smile says it all, doesn’t it?

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How do you spell healing?

A place of peace to run to, to wrestle with stresses and losses (not belongings though that also was involved,, but relationships, security, ministry, and the like) and let them go as we find rest and energy again as precious …

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Call the phone repairman!

Okay, so the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed that our phone signal has been weak.  So, what do we do?  Call the repairman, right?  Nope.  Roy gets up on the ladder and tweaks the antenna back into position while …

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New blooms in our yard

Just wanted to share the eyeful of God’s creative gifts we’ve been enjoying lately!blog hib blog hib2 blog hib3

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Who is that out there?

How many times have I done a double take, seeing the figure on the right out of the corner of my eye?  This is my view out the dining room window.  Usually Stephan, the guy with the red shirt on, …

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