Category Archives: Fun

13 hour road trip

We needed to get to the big city of Yaoundé this week and the only way to get there was to travel over our not so favorite road which demands a minimum of 12 hours of our time to cover …

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Thankful for rain!


We had our first rain since November, and boy it was a gully gusher complete with hailstones.  We were rushing back to the farm to close our windows, but had to pull over under a tree to try to …

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Going back in time a bit, just a bit!

Have a little patience with me – I wanted to post these photos from at least a month ago in South Africa, just to make someone out there smile!

Maybe I’m a bit conservative in my hopes for driving safety, …

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A new photo!

Well, it’s a month old already, but this is basically what we look like now, just in case you’re wondering.  blog RA dec 14

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Are you sure we’re in the tropics?

blog 8 degrees

Yesterday morning at about 5 am the thermometer read 8 degrees Celsius, which is about 46 degrees Fahrenheit.  This isn’t right!  We had put my cute little Mary Englebreit fridge magnet thermometer out the day before and it read 6 …

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Whoo hooo, back online!


We arrived back to Gamboula on New Year’s Eve only to have the internet die on us on New Year’s Day!  I called up our friendly IT guy, Jorge, in Canada, and after describing the symptoms he made the diagnosis.  …

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On Sam & Anna’s hallway wall

blog we do love

We do love.

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The replacement goodies have arrived!

Wow!  After over 6 weeks on the way, our box with our computer, camera, phone, and a few other things arrived!  These were to replace the stuff that was stolen in the hotel mess at Kribi back in October.   Close …

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Random joy

Anything from grassheads at the local weekend flea market,blog grassheadsseeing helpers clean up the mess of a garbage can marauder,
blog cleanup crewenjoying the ocean,blog able to sit upmeeting and hanging out with volunteers from the church,blog J-lifers

spying the monkeys by the roadside, as common …

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Can’t make Roy sit still!

When Anna saw an advertisement for a handyman at a local nursery, Roy was excited to help, especially if a trade of work for plants could be arranged.  He and Sam have helped with making bridges and brick walkways safe …

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