Category Archives: Fun

Beautiful visitors

How fun!  We looked out the window the other morning and saw about 30 egrets come to visit!  We oftentimes will see a few around a cattle herd, but this was totally unexpected.  A serendipitous gift of joy!blog egrets2 blog egrets

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Our house

blog 820 center

Our daughter-in-law, Kimia, found this lovely house for us to rent for the coming year in the states.  It is lovely and we are excited to be, again, only 10-15 minutes from our kids and grandkids!  The address is 820 …

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Every day stuff!

blog meat grinder


Here’s our long time helper around the house, Sylvie, grinding beef up into hamburger. I guess you could call her our Mixmaster Supreme! Sylvie has been our helper and dear friend, like a daughter to us, for almost 17 …

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The bridge is done!

Thanks to lots of helpers and input from afar (thank you Tom Lawson), the bridge that connects the orchard section of the CEFA farm to the cattle grazing acreage is completed.  It didn’t even budge when Roy drove across it.  …

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We had such an amazing time at the beach with Covenant missionary friends!  Our guest speakers touched our hearts and caused us to ponder about being or not being foolish, about being who the Lord wants us to be.  We …

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Let’s rebuild our village!



Roy, sharing from his heart, about what it means to follow Jesus, to live that out day to day.  He really wants to see this group of people understand that rebuilding the village is good, but doing it because …

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Just for fun


Local school bus! Six kids on their way home from school.

blog jak marketNew use for a jakfruit tree – displays all the newest fashions at the market!

blog jeanclaude crew

Jean Claude and his firewood collection crew

blog butterfliesButterflies by the stream




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Rain! Hail! Wind! Moisture! Mud even! Yippee!

We are so thankful for another rain in the midst of this very dust dry season.  Even if it means so trimming and repair work.???????????????????????????????So I guess if you’re a tall drink of water and you were trying to …

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Home is where the heart is


Seems like just about every time I’m out in the truck, whether it has been a morning’s work at the mission or a long hot day’s visit across the river, when I see the group of kolongo palm trees just …

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Thankful for water in our hose

That may seem like a simple statement, but when you’ve had no rain for months, (as many of you know) it’s a luxury to be able to water your plants.  Antonio, our friend and worker that keeps our yard and …

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