Category Archives: Fun

Happy 4th of July – so thankful for our country

What an amazing place this is, the United States of America.  Sure, there are lots of issues to face and junk going on, BUT this is still an amazing place to live!  We are thankful to be back in the …

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Roy + fruit trees = JOY

Yup, even at our rental home, 820 N. Center St., Plymouth, IN 46563, Roy is busy in the garden.  He planted a peach tree today.  For future renters’ pleasure.  Because he says he has to be a boy scout, leaving …

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Covenant Annual Meeting – Gather 2015

We went to the Covenant Annual Meeting last week – it was an awesome celebration of what’s going on in the Covenant all over the world.  We were delegates so we were involved in the business meetings, hearing about budgets …

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Who showed up at Portage Lake Camp last week?

Andy Moxon with his beautiful family!  They had come to pick up Charlotte, the youngest, who is our Maddie’s age.  I had noticed this little girl around camp, one who totally  reminded me of Andy’s mom, Ruth, a very dear …

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Portage Lake Covenant Bible Camp


What better way to be the guest missionary at a weekend camp for 2nd-3rd graders than to share the time with one’s 3rd grade granddaughter!  Maddie came along with me to Portage Lake, her first church related camp experience.  …

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Plymouth, Indiana, a taste of heaven!

What could be better than hanging out with Maia and the kittens, seeing Emrie get all gussied up with jewels, or watching Maddie and her soccer team win the tournament?  We are working on getting settled and are almost there, …

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On to Denver for Applewood Church and Fafu!

From Montrose to Denver you have to cross the Rockies, and oh what gorgeous scenery our God treated us to!  It has been 3.5 years since we’ve been in the snow, so Roy had to hold some.  You can probably …

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The Montrosians

What fun to be with Janet, Paul, and Erin.  Laughing, telling old family stories, playing Boake Carter, Star Reporter and Pit, and eating Janet’s amazing cooking!  Erin was able to come hang out with us, leaving her family in Colorado …

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My big sister!!!

Always an open door, a clean bed to sleep in, stories and giggles to share, and of course!!! lots of great food including the possibility of an In n Out burger just down the road!  Daniel always has something interesting …

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Our stepmom, Ardys

It seems like she doesn’t change much!  Ardys looks like she did 3 years ago, though she does use a cane, for just in case!  We heard some new stories (and a few old ones, smile) about what’s been going …

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