Category Archives: Fun

Walking down memory lane…

Here’s the married students’ apartment building we lived in from 1975-1978.  Our kids, Josh & Kimia, lived in the very same building on the very same floor, 20 odd years later!  It was brown then, and we are amazed it …

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Treated like kings in California!

Nothing like being in California in January rather than icy cold Indiana, right?  We have many supporting churches in California, so we have to schedule big blocks of time there.

In Hilmar, Tom & Pat Sparks treated us to waffles …

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Jessica and Timothy

blog TLC + Jessica

We’re excited!  Jessica and Timothy have set the date!  They’re getting married in April.  You might remember Timothy as the bee guy
blog TLC beesor the jakfruit guy. tlc jakfruit He was so great about taking photos and he was our next door neighbor …

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Early bday celebration

Sawyer just turned 10, in South Africa, on Jan. 17th, but wait!  I didn’t post a couple of delightful photos from our early celebration in December in Plymouth!
blog Silly Sawyer The boy does love doughnuts!!!  The last few years his cake has …

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Maia decided one very cold afternoon that she wanted to fly.  She had me help her tie on two capes, and she managed to attach a set of wings and a pink punch ball, all on her own.  Determined that …

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More snippets of December happiness

The Danforth boys – good ol’ boys just trying to pull a stump out of the way of the new garage structureblog D4 good ol boys Making Christmas cookiesblog cookies

Together to celebrate Christmas with extended family (Emrie’s taking a nap)blog Christmas D4s Cones

Beautiful winter sky at …

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Slow! Turkeys crossing!

These guys better watch out!  I think the season is open!blog turkey xing


We had our usual turkey with all the trimmings yesterday, having joined the Cone clan (our daughter-in-law’s family nearby).  When we shared with each other about what we’re

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Of snow and orchids

While Roy was in Florida, not quite in shorts and a tshirt, but almost!blog Roy FL

blog orchid FLwe had 5 inches of snow in Indiana!

blog snowblog snow 5 inchesRoy’s back home now, and after a couple of warmer days and some rain, the snow is gone!

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For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies

We were on our way home from Grand Rapids, Michigan, and were treated to a magnificent sunset – these 3 snapshots were taken from the car window as we tootled along the freeway within a span of 20 minutes max.  …

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Autumn in New England

blog Woodstock autumn (7)blog autumn log cabin blog Woodstock autumn (5)

I LOVE the contrast, greens and red and brilliant orangeyellowpeach…blog Woodstock autumn (3)

Laugh.Out.Loud!blog Woodstock autumn (1) blog autumn

Art & Nancy’s (our first 5 days’ hosts) backyard!  blog Loefstedts backyard

Dan & Karen’s (our second 5 days’ hosts) backyard, complete with deer in the meadow and the morning sun slowly …

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