Category Archives: Fun

Pushing the limits

I guess you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to get goods into your landlocked, goods-starved country, right?  I do wonder what the guy on top is pointing at and if he’s communicating with someone other than himself?!  Can the …

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We’re online!!!

The son of one of our local families here happens to be an internet rep/installation guy and he offered to set us up with our own dish and modem at our home at the CEFA farm.  It’s pricey, but it …

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Clarification on houses and nursing school

I have received a couple of comments that make me think I’d better straighten out the impressions I’m giving.

The nursing school at the mission has been functioning for years and years, started by the Swedish missionaries long ago. During …

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Home improvement!

I got a kick out of seeing the new paint job on this house.  Most of the homes along the road are dirt colored, either because of mud stucco or mud brick, without embellishment. You occasionally will see random splashes …

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Kids and chores

Kids start helping out with adult sized tasks at an early age here, it’s just part of family life.  When I was a kid, I remember helping with the housecleaning and various chores, but my responsibilities were more to teach …

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What a way to spend your school break!


Bobby and Timothe Turk brought 3 friends home with them for their 10 day school break.  Nuri, Ben, and Caleb rode over bumpy roads for untold hours, squished into interesting seating arrangements, putting up with heat and dust and …

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On the spot medical care

blog-impromptu-stitchesWe are very thankful to have medical care at a moment’s notice.  Dr. Tim is always available for emergencies and medical treatment and advice. He is the proverbial boy scout when it comes to being prepared, that’s for sure, with …

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Layha – time to eat lamb!

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What a wonderful time we had celebrating Layha/Tabaski with friends across the way.  This holiday and the end of Ramadan fasting are their two BIG holidays.  Because Tabaski commemorates Abraham’s trek up to the mountaintop to obediently sacrifice his son, …

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Sports crazy Roy!


If  the sun is shining at 5pm, you most likely will find Roy playing sports with his friends.  If the clay/dirt basketball and volleyball courts are a bit on the wet side, you’ll find him weeding them, sometimes with his …

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On motorcycle helmets


I used to work in the operating room of a busy downtown university teaching hospital.  While working on patients who had been in accidents, I came to appreciate motorcycle helmets.  We called them brain buckets, and there’s definitely a reason …

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