Category Archives: Fun

Enjoying S. Africa’s Free State

We were able to take a few days’ break before school and work started again in early January.  Free State country is amazing, breathtaking, expansive, and ruggedly beautiful.  blog free state2

Crazy wonderful rock formations

blog free state

A sweet little outdoor chapel

blog chapel

And a lovely …

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Make your own corn toss?

Roy built the frames and Sawyer and Elaina painted the creatures on them.  I made the bags to fill with corn, following the measurement and weight online.  I couldn’t help but think of Roy’s birthday last year when Maddie and …

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Not Roy’s week

Roy was the first one to use the new jar of pepper…


and he bravely ate around the biggest part of the spill, not quite the Exxon Valdez, but bad enough.  He normally loves pepper, well, especially hot chili peppers, …

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Celebrating Jesus’ birth

It’s summertime in S. Africa.  School has just finished and families are heading off for summer vacation.  Businesses slow down and tourists fill the area, in spite of the great white sharks roaming about in the nearby ocean.  Because of …

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Making Christmas cookies


If the Hallelujah chorus comes on, no matter what you’re doing, you’ve just got to sing along!  This is joy!

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In transit in Yaounde

It seems like no matter where we are, what place we might pass through, Roy loves to help out with gardening/farming/anything to do with plants.  He is happiest when he’s got dirt under his fingernails and leaf litter on his …

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Just before we left Gamboula, the egrets came swooping in.  I haven’t actually paid attention to see if it’s an actual migration routine, or if it’s just random, but we periodically get to see flocks of egrets in our …

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Random explosive beauty

No need for words, other than God’s creative gifts to us are amazing!


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Unexpected suppertime guest

We were having supper with our buddies, Jan & Kim, enjoying the breeze from the wide open window by the table, when suddenly a rhinocerous beetle whizzed in and perched on Roy’s shirt, acting like a beautiful boutonniere!  Crazy wonderful …

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Ramaata is home!

blog-ramaata-back-home-2Thank you for praying for little Ramaata, (the one with the scarf) that the TB in her leg bones would be healed.  She was released from the hospital, after a 2.5 month stay, and here she is reunited with her …

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