Category Archives: CEFA/Ag

Our friend Constant has passed away

One of our very first buddies in our first year (1998) in CAR, Constant was an energetic, outgoing, helpful, and encouraging friend.  He helped us with getting used to being in a new place, he and our boys, Josh and …

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The bridge is done!

Thanks to lots of helpers and input from afar (thank you Tom Lawson), the bridge that connects the orchard section of the CEFA farm to the cattle grazing acreage is completed.  It didn’t even budge when Roy drove across it.  …

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Encouragement for displaced villagers


There are thousands of displaced villagers in C.A.R, people who fled from their homes and fields to seek safety.  Many of their homes were looted and some were burned.  Some have been able to return home and have begun …

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Roy’s a busy guy!


Trying to check all the things off his to-do list before we leave for a year’s home assignment in the states, Roy created this map on the side of our CEFA farm guesthouse.  Awesome, eh????????????????????????????????

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blog bees

Alexandre, who learned beekeeping from Timothy Chapman last year, is busy harvesting honey.  They have to harvest at dusk, because that’s when the bees are most calm, as I understand it. He’s holding large pieces of comb which were harvested …

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Vegetable garden co-ops! Amazing!

Roy & Tom & Nadege, our veggie garden specialist at CEFA, visited 3 co-op gardens across the border among the Fulani refugees the other day.  They were super encouraged by the energy and obvious enthusiasm for taking care of these …

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Preparing ground for palm and cocoa orchards

Roy has kept Tom busy and very hot for many days now, as they stake out 15 acres of palm and 5 acres of cocoa orchards.  They are trying to keep the measurements as accurate as possible, and there have …

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Seminar for village ag co-operatives at the CEFA farm

Leaders from village ag co-ops gathered for a few days at the CEFA farm last week.  They had worship and tours, reports about successes and failures, and various lessons and teachings to encourage the participants before they returned home.



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The continuing saga of water and electricity at the farm

Remember last week when lightning hit at the farm?  I had said that we thought at that time that the generator AND the water pump were fine, that we had only lost our alternative power system with its inverter and …

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Hope for C.A.R.

Roy, Timothy, and the CEFA team have now been to village co-operatives to the east, north, and south over the past 3 weeks.  They have been encouraged by the perseverance of many in spite of the past year and a …

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