Category Archives: CEFA/Ag

Reforestation, yes!

We are excited, the rains have come and some of the acreage dedicated for reforestation is ready for trees.  Roy and crew planted around 200 trees this morning, only about 3,000 to go! They decided that re-clearing around each hole …

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You did WHAT with those trees??



blog Emrie helpingIf you ever go on a trip with Roy Danforth, you can count on having trees or fruit or seeds in your car, plane, or bicycle.  This return trip to Gamboula was no exception.  He gathered all his …

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CEFA now has a Facebook page!!

Please check out the CEFA page on Facebook every now and again – click on this linkCEFA FB to see the first bit!  Hopefully we’ll keep the news coming!

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Roy and CEFA USA board members, left to right: Larry Michel, Dave Feaver, and Byron Miller.  (BJ Newcomer wasn’t able to attend)  What an amazing group of guys to work with and to dream with.  We are blessed by friends …

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Rain! Rain! Thank you, Lord

This dry season has been THE WORST in our ag director’s memory.  We usually have a Christmas rain during the normal 4 month dry season.  This year they went 3 months, 1 week, and 1 day with no rain!  They’ve …

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Keeping up with C.A.R.

blog talking with BenoitWe’ve been able to skype (a computer to computer free system or a computer to phone call for reasonable prices) pretty regularly with Benoit, the CEFA (ag farm) director, as well as touch base with friends at Gamboula and in …

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CEFA U.S.A. hooray!!!


Byron Miller (and Joyce) hosted the CEFA board members at their home in the Chicago area, Larry Michel came from California, BJ Newcomer came from Alabama, and Roy (& Aleta) joined the group from Indiana.  Byron has worked long and …

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An important stop along the road to Yaounde



We were on our way to the capital, and had expected to visit friends in a little town near one of the big refugee camps.  These friends had fled CAR last year, and have kept together through many …

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New palm oil press for the CEFA farm

This is exciting!  Usually the palm nuts are processed by hand, yes, our friends rub the boiling hot nuts together with bare hands to get the flesh off and now CEFA has a press to make light work of a …

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Labor Day

May 1st was Labor Day, and Roy was able to be with the ag workers, celebrating work and how the Lord has blessed in many ways in spite of the ongoing conflict in the country!

??????????????????????????????? Chowing down on turkey!  Two …

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