Category Archives: CEFA/Ag
Meetings, meetings, meetings
CEFA’s whole staff, ranging from director to farm manager to village supervisor to cattle caretaker to mechanic, met recently to hash out problems and to share vision. There is a weekly meeting of the main 6 leaders to talk about …
Visit to BB’s village
Roy & Kim were able to make an overnight visit to BB & his wife, S. BB & S left CAR in haste back when serious trouble hit their village. They lost an adult son in the turmoil, besides their …
Repairs, always repairs
We have 4 trucks and a bazillion motorcycles, but because of the horrible roads, overloading, and lack of a nearby AutoZone, there is only one truck and a handful of motorcycles working. We keep on keepin’ on, limping along until …
Nursery comin’ up!
We are so happy to have Roy back home from South Africa, with his tooth repaired. He ended up needing a root canal, and it turns out it was a very good thing that he went all the way to …
Busy on the farm
It worked out quite well to have had this mid year visit to Brackleys’ farm, where our kids live. We brainstormed about the vision and mission statement as well as the goals for the next year for the ag/discipleship project. …
Each time we travel the road from our home at the CEFA farm all the way to Yaounde, Cameroon, we pass many logging trucks like these that are lined up at the border to pass inspection and customs. They are …
So that’s an ocean?!?!?
Nadege and Benoit, along with Josef R., our Covenant missionary Africa regional coordinator, came to stay overnight at our kids’ home, before continuing on their travels. It was great fun to show Nadege and Benoit the Indian Ocean, their first …
Covenant World Relief consultation in South Africa
Roy, CEFA’s director Benoit, and CEFA’s village co-op supervisor Nadege had an amazing opportunity to gather with other development project participants from many different countries in Africa. They had a chance to share experiences and compare notes on self- help …
to South Africa
Hooray!!!! Roy, Nadege (CEFA village co-op supervisor), and Benoit (CEFA director) are going to South Africa!!! There will be a Covenant World Relief conference in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, May 21-27, and they are to be participants. Nadege and Benoit travelled …