Category Archives: CEFA/Ag

Turkeys, anyone?

Ben, a recent college grad who is here at Gamboula to home school Timothy Turk, has an inordinate love for and drive to raise chickens.  Upon arrival to Gamboula in September, he immediately started to try to build a “chicken …

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Jakfruit! Yum!!

Lots of people have asked us what jackfruit looks like and tastes like – we can at least show you what it looks like.  It tastes yummy and is one of the most successful (from Malaysia).   Most people like it …

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You ever traveled with Roy Danforth??

You go somewhere with Roy, you have to expect greenery or seeds or SOMETHING that loves dirt, maybe the main reason being that I think Roy loves dirt!  He is at his happiest, digging and planting and weeding. These  particular …

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CEFA papers! Thanks for your prayers!!

Roy’s group of people working on the U.S. non-profit status have made great head way!  The papers Roy is holding are permission from the state of Illinois to proceed with the registration.  It now depends on a meeting of the …

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Friends, berries, and apple cider

Wherever we go, Roy is always interested in the crops of the area.  Our trip to WA was no exception, and we were fascinated to see how raspberries are cared for to provide the best yields.

We were able to …

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Hurray for official papers for CEFA – AGAIN!!!

Okay, so I’ve said this before – “WE HAVE THE OFFCIAL LAND PAPERS ETC. IN HAND!!!!”  But, this time, it’s whole kit and kaboodle.  When I last wrote about this, the papers were in hand in Bangui, the capital, having …

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Please pray for Benoit

Benoit, who is the director of the ag program at Gamboula/CEFA, is running the show all by himself right now.  We lost a recently hired agricultural extension worker before we left in May, and now we have heard that the …

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On our way!!

We happened to be flying to Yaounde along with another mission plane, so we took pictures in mid-air! The pilot was also kind enought to fly over the newly developed CEFA land so Roy could get some aerial shots!

We …

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We’ve got rain!!!

Oh my goodness, we are so very grateful for the downpour of about 2.5 inches last night! Normally rainy season starts in mid-March, and we had had one good rain and were hopeful, but then everything dried up and was …

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We are rejoicing!!

We are enjoying having our regional coordinators, John & Letha Kerl, and missionary colleagues Jeff & Carolyn Stoker and Paul Noren her at Gamboula with us for a short visit before we all head to Kribi in Cameroon for our …

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