Category Archives: CEFA/Ag

Bridge to the cattle pastures

Bridge to elevage before

Kim Cone and a team of Fulani have been working on clearing a road from the main orchard and crop section of the CEFA land into the cattle pasture section, but this waterway prevents easy crossing with vehicles.  Roy and …

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So, what is Roy up to while Aleta plays with grandbabies??

Me at work

Teaching about God’s love with words and in action



Big people and little people hang around to hear what he has to say!

Seminar learners

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Whoo hooo!!! Internet out at the farm!

Thanks to Josh and Timothy and Marius and their tree climbing adventures, we have internet available in our house out at the farm, 3 miles over hilly terrain from the satellite dish.   Josh masterminded a plan to attach a relay …

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Bees, bees, bees

Hurray!   Timothy was able to get a whole hive of bees, who were amazingly and thankfully the mild mannered sort, they didn’t even divebomb attack him when their tree home was chopped down and hit the dirt.  He was able …

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Progress is slow but sure on our house out at the farm

Planting and other construction have been a priority recently at the farm, but cupboards and bookshelves and windows are all being worked on, slowly but surely by one carpenter, at the two Covenant houses.  We would not have been able …

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Another hitchhiker?

Well, not exactly.  We picked up the chameleon, below, on our trip to Yaounde, but we went to Yaounde to do some shopping for construction supplies and to  pick up Timothy Chapman, who has come to be with us for …

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Nadege, development agent extraordinaire!

Nadege has been the pillar of our nutrition outreach program at the mission hospital, but she also takes a major part in growing crops out at the experimental farm and helps to teach village co-operatives.  I was surprised to see …

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CEFA board meeting went well!

Baba Zokoe, president of the CEFA board and ex cabinet member of C.A.R., arrived safely from the capital after a 14 hour rough road trip.  He was the only member out of 6 present who had to travel more than …

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New CEFA staff! Thank you for praying!

Here are CEFA’s (ag project’s) long-time director Benoit, brand new secretary/bookkeeper Wambilo, assistant director Jean Bedel, and you know who!

We are grateful for your prayers, as the two men in the middle of the photo joined our staff last …

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Now that’s making use of your available land!

BEAN GARDENS for a front yard!  Not the usual swept bare dirt, but actually food producing landscaping!  Encouraging to see!

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