Category Archives: CEFA/Ag

Roy & Timothy join in a village visit

How great it was for Timothy and Roy to get to participate in a village seminar.  Three villages’ co-operatives met together, which saved the CEFA team lots of time.   The 3 co-ops learned some new ag practices, and hopefully they …

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Harvest time at the CEFA farm

Corn, beans, and peanuts were planted a couple of months ago.  Now the harvest is plenty, and there’s hope for sharing the seed with needy farmers.  Farmers who possible were displaced and now are able to go back home to …

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Mr. TLC -Timothy L Chapman

Let me tell you a little bit about our next door neighbor at the farm.  He’s been an encouragement to have around, whether he’s making juice for watching the world cup soccer matches at Westers’ house (green, yellow, and red …

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There are watchmen and then there are watchmen!

We have an amazing night watchman out at the CEFA farm, who, in my opinion, is worth his weight in gold.  He’s a cheerful, energetic, and caring man.  He’s responsible for the locked gate and all the buildings in our …

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Beans, peanuts, and corn to go!

blog beansAt the CEFA farm and out in the village co-operatives, staple crops are being planted, as part of a hope to stave off the coming of a hunger crisis in our area, and to aid in some way our Fulani …

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Sportin’ headwear!

A couple of weeks ago, our head construction guy, Gabi, got bonked in the head with a board, so Roy purchased some hardhats for the builders.  Now all the workers want them – even the ones who are weeding gardens …

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Dave H., John, & Letha’s visit to the CEFA farm

Dave Husby, Covenant World Relief (CWR) director, came to visit, along with John & Letha Kerl, our Covenant missionary regional coordinators.   It was so great to be able to show them around the farm, especially because CWR has been a …

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A week of ag seminar for our Bayaka(Pygmy) friends

This week has been an overall ag/development seminar for a group of Pygmies, who actually prefer to be called Bayaka.  There are 4 women in the group of 18, which is great.  They have been learning about how to farm …

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If you build it, they will come!

Just this past weekend workers were scurrying to get doors and windows on these guesthouse rooms, because a group of more than 50 people were coming on Monday.

blog hurry get the doors and windows on!

It is Tuesday now, the second day of the ag development co-operative …

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At the CEFA farm

Roy was busy in November with lots of tasks, and one of them was trying to get our house out at the CEFA farm ready to move into by January when we return to C.A.R.  He and many others have …

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