Category Archives: Back 2 Eden
Avril the bromeliad and dragon fruit buddy
Roy was able to connect with Avril, a fellow tropical fruit and plant enthusiast. She is the friend who donated the dragon fruit plants to the Back 2 Eden in exchange for fruit trees for her orchards, and now has …
Which method will work best?
Roy and Zweli are planting grow bags and tire gardens at the side of Back 2 Eden’s nursery tunnel, to see which yield most and quickest and which stay moist with watering. These are local solutions for a bit of …
Zimele Wethu visit
Our dear friend, Audrey, from Zimele Wethu in the Pietermaritzburg area, came, along with a colleague, to visit the Back 2 Eden farm, to help us brainstorm about getting out into our local community with the idea of self help …
Megan DuPlessis Centre for Special Needs Students
We have started a lovely relationship with a school just up the road, the Megan DuPlessis Centre for special needs students. Roy has been there a couple of times now, and they came to the Back 2 Eden farm …
The “People and Gardens” group’s visit
Wow this has been a very busy week for Roy, working with the gardening group from Cornwall, England, People and Gardens, (click to see their website). They are a group for helping people, specifically those with special needs, to …
Please pray for relief from the flooding in S. Africa
We are receiving photos of massive flooding in the cities and townships in the area we live when we’re in S. Africa. Please pray for the people who have lost homes and belongings, who have been injured or lost because …
Thankful for Jaydene’s help
Jaydene, the volunteer we wrote about last month, has agreed to come one or two days each week to help supervise and manage the project while we’re in CAR. This will be a relief to Roy and a great help …
First fruits
Things are growing and beginning to produce at the Back 2 Eden farm! The jakfruit trees are growing beyond their wind protection sacks.
The dragon fruit are blooming and we’re getting lemons, from a tiny tree!
Back 2 Eden news
We have a new friend of Back 2 Eden, our ag project. Her name is Jadene, and she’s been volunteering in the nursery and the orchards. She’s in between jobs, having taught science and then visited Thailand with her husband. …
Back 2 Eden – ag development in S. Africa
Roy is busy with his Back 2 Eden crew, caring for the orchards and the nursery, patiently waiting for his contacts to come through for visiting schools and townships in our area.