Monthly Archives: August 2017
In a society where all livestock; goats, pigs, sheep, and chickens, run freely, it always surprises me when I see some effort made to provide for the care of any animal. The owner of these pigeons obviously wants them to …
Bon Appetit!
I oftentimes forget to look up during my afternoon walks around the farm, concentrating on where my feet fall, not stepping in puddles or on snakes, heaven forbid! Don’t worry, I have only come across one snake during all my …
Meetings, meetings, meetings
CEFA’s whole staff, ranging from director to farm manager to village supervisor to cattle caretaker to mechanic, met recently to hash out problems and to share vision. There is a weekly meeting of the main 6 leaders to talk about …
Visit to BB’s village
Roy & Kim were able to make an overnight visit to BB & his wife, S. BB & S left CAR in haste back when serious trouble hit their village. They lost an adult son in the turmoil, besides their …
On refugees
When is a refugee no longer a refugee? When does the UNHCR start tapering off on the biweekly food aid? How do refugees, crowded together in camps, or scraping by to live in villages, eke out a living? How does …
Please keep praying for PEACE for CAR
We are encouraged as we see more and more Fulani cattle herders around Gamboula and the CEFA farm. Thankfully there are clear boundaries so that the farmer and the cowman remain friends! We are encouraged as we hear news of …
Please keep praying for our buddy, BB
BB is a gifted man of God, a visionary who actually lives out his dreams. He loves people, and people love him. He loves to share his knowledge, be it about the gospel or fruit trees or sewing, and people …
Wow, this week was full of blooms! God’s creativity stuns me, over and over. Praise be to our Creator!
Bible stories
We continue to delight in telling bible stories, helping our friends across the river understand about the Lord’s faithfulness and grace. We had a woman with a deep desire to learn more about God, join us last Thursday, from a …
Sharing some backyard beauty
Pink roses and gloriosa lilies climbing up our little water tank supports. Lovely!