Oh my goodness! Again we were blessed and overwhelmed by the care of friends, old and new alike! Here are just a few of the hosts who took care of us so wonderfully. We stayed in Woodstock for 10 days and were invited to share a meal in at least 11 different homes. We enjoyed hearing their stories as well as getting them up to date on the doings in C.A.R. I picked up some wonderful new recipes and added some serious prayer requests to our list.
At Dan & Maria O’Neill’s, we enjoyed some awesome Thai soup and swapped news with their family and a couple of friends from their small group. Pieter and Martha Nijssen kept us laughing as well as connecting with us on our common ground South Africa experiences.
Dan & Karen Breault, caring and generous to the nth degree, kept us warm and fed and also provided wheels whenever and wherever we needed them.
Art and Nancy Loefstedt (sorry Nancy I didn’t get you with your eyes open!!!) also kept us warm and fed and provided a car. Roy tried fishing in their back yard, sorry, no bites! We found out, our last night with them, that they love games as much as we do. Next time!
Thank you, friends at Woodstock Covenant for an amazing week!