A little while back I wrote a bit about my big sister – I toyed with “older” and then chose big, and there was a little comment made as a result of that choice – oh well. I just want to make it clear, it is true that my sister is taller than I am, which makes her just about a giant because I’m about the tallest person of the female persuasion that I know… I just want to say that she, no matter what name we call her – Ralleau, Lowo, Super Putib, Dorwa…, is a usually cheerful, encouraging, thoughtful, generous, and amazing sister. She is big in my eyes and big in my heart. She has been there for our folks while we have been overseas, she is ready with a place for us when we go to southern Calif., she sends care packages out of the blue to our grandkids and us, she is just the BEST. BIG! I have been looking up to her ever since forever; I liked the colors she liked, I liked the clothes she wore (and I would even borrow them without her permission – sorry!!!) and the way she can play guitar and piano and paint and sew. She has been a loving wife and mom and has been someone to look up to and love, all my life. She is someone who reminds me of our mom, and who remembers SO many things, funny and silly and sad, that have happened in our family. She can make me giggle ’til I cry and amaze me with how much she knows about so many things, from sports to nature to history etc. and back again! Just listen to her play Jeopardy – watch out!!! Ralleau Elena McDorwa McDalleau t o w g c…. I love you!
2011, with our stepmom, right after Daddypops died
Oh sure, here she is looking sweet and sophisticated while my brother looks mesmerized and I look like an impish fiend! You wouldn’t guess from this picture that she would make us pretend to be her circus ponies – she even had us eating raw oats!
Laughter has been an important part of our lives, especially when our super goofy and super ticklish brother is around!