I am SOOOO thankful for Luke & Leonard! They know what to do when the hydro power turbine, which gives electricity and also therefore pumps water for the hospital and mission, isn’t working properly. It is a huge job to work on the turbine, and here are a few photos showing them in process. I am actually on line thanks to a back-up generator, which is running especially to provide electricity and water for the hospital (surgeries, sterilizing instruments and IV’s, laundry, etc.)
The canoe across the mouth of the intake on the building is there so that the sentry has easy access to clear away debris from the gate across the opening into the turbine.

Luke and others preparing to lift the damaged propeller, they are in the deep chamber where the water flows
We filled tubs with water and got out flashlights, candles, and our small single propane burner, to be ready for the dark hours of no power. One nice thing about it being totally dark, the stars really pop out at you! We already have a beautiful view at night, but without our little bit of light interference, it is amazing!
Please pray that all goes well with the repair, that no one will get hurt, and that the power will be back on soon!