Monthly Archives: February 2010
Desiré, the guy with the green thumb
DesirĂ© moved to our area about a year and a half ago, coming originally to work for our colleagues, the Cones, and always keeping the hope of settling here and working in gardening and farming. He has been a boon …
We’re missing Benoit!
Benoit is on a 3 week journey to East Africa. He’ll be travelling with Angela Boss, and they’ll be visiting different projects and farmers associated with FRB. Roy is missing his help and counsel and friendship, big time!! What with …
A snake at Friday night fun night!
There we were, enjoying ourselves, and the movie for the little kids had just finished. We heard Bobby call from the front porch, “Papa, I see a snake!”. We all rushed out into the dark, armed with flashlights and two …
The road to CEFA – the story continues!
Roy has hired crews of about 10 each to clear the road, 500m per group, and the 5 kilometers from the main road to the entry of the CEFA land is almost done! They have to make it 6 meters …
Fun with bible stories
Oh I had fun telling bible stories to the ladies on Monday. To watch them laugh when they heard about Joseph’s brothers bowing down to him just as he had dreamed, to see them understand how God uses all kinds …
Kids on the mend
Here are 4 of the current 14 kids in our mission hospital’s nutrition center. They each have severe malnutrition, but different types – you’re looking at marasmus & kwashiorkor. These children often have underlying medical problems, like TB, which helps …
Mondays across the border
A young mom weeding in her co-op’s veggie garden
This is the women’s group across the border, yesterday, Feb. 8th, hearing a bible story about Joseph and a lesson about being careful about medicines, such as tetracycline, that they can …
A snake in church!
There we were, a bunch of ladies squished all together along the bench at the back of the church, peacefully listening to a women’s group sing, when all of a sudden the woman just one person over from me jumped …
Baby Kingfisher
Poor little guy, the little boy who was selling frogs had this baby bird in his hand. I imagine he found it somewhere near its nest and thought it a possible toy or maybe a way to make an easy …