Merveille, age 12, and her family used to collect drinking water from the murky waters of a local brook. As a result, Merveille often got sick from the contaminated water.
“I suffered bellyaches because of the bad water qualities, and this caused my absence to the school,” Merveille said.
The brook was nearly two miles away from her home, so Merveille had to walk a long distance to bathe in the morning.
“I usually came late to school … and my teacher didn’t stop punishing me,” Merveille said. “I sometimes arrived to school without washing, and I felt ill at ease among my friends.”
Through the CKC program, two deep water wells have been drilled in Merveille’s neighborhood in Gemena, DR Congo. Merveille is one of 41,000+ people in Gemena who have gained access to clean water, and now she’s growing up healthy and strong. She no longer gets bellyaches or has to walk long distances for water.
Life With Clean Water
“I thank my God for having given us water in the district,” Merveille said. “We suffered for a long time to wash ourselves in the brook. The bellyaches, diarrhea, and the vomiting did not stop affecting us. … I know that the donors contributed largely for this realization.” She smiled brightly. “It is through their contribution which my district begins to have change.”
Liawe, Merveille’s grandmother, said that it’s a relief to have access to clean water now. “Today, thanks to the water in our area, I’m able to wash [my little grandchildren] as well as my kitchen utensils,” Liawe said.
Fakulu, Merveille’s grandfather, operates a health center. He recently noticed a reduction in waterborne illness. “I’ve lived here since 1991 without having seen a water fountain,” Fakulu said. “[Now,] the safe water made its triumphant entry in our area where all the people consider it a relief.”
Merveille’s story is highlighted in this CKC Report.
HOST THE GLOBAL 6K FOR WATER: The vast majority of people in the city of Gemena, DR Congo don’t have access to clean water. You can help expand access to areas where clean water is critically needed! Host a Global 6K in your neighborhood.
UPDATE: Next year’s Global 6K will be on May 4, 2019. Save the date! Learn more here.