
Launch Your Ministry Toward Sticky Faith

Post a Comment » Written on September 4th, 2013     
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sflk-rocketYou work hard as a ministry leader. You hope your efforts bear fruit, but sometimes you’re not sure. You feel stuck. Or you see trends that concern you.
One of the trends you’ve likely noticed is young people walking away …

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An Interview with Michael Ford

Post a Comment » Written on August 28th, 2013     
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Podcast #15: An Interview with Michael Ford

Click here to listen to Michael Ford who is the Associate Dean of Campus Life at Wake Forest University. You may be surprised to learn who Mike’s parents are. Gerald Ford and Betty …

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CYMS Upcoming Webinars

Hip Hop is a Voice for Mosaics and The Nones

September 24, 2013, at 2:00 pm CST

Featuring Daniel White Hodge, North Park University

The current young adult population (known as “Mosaics” or “The Nones”) can be difficult to navigate.

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Answers to Teenagers’ 50 Toughest Questions

Post a Comment » Written on August 21st, 2013     
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Answers to Teenagers’ 50 Toughest Questions

By Phil Bell

Teenagers are hungry for solid answers to the relentless questions gnawing at their hearts and minds.  They’re yearning for help, hope, and healing that are founded in truth—and youth workers are …

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Bring Sticky Faith Training To Your Church

Post a Comment » Written on August 14th, 2013     
Filed under: Resources, Web Resource

Looking for top-notch training for your leaders, parents, or the whole church? The very best of Sticky Faith training is now available through a world class speaking team.

Book a speaker for your event or retreat and bring the best …

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Simply Youth Ministry Conference 2014

Post a Comment » Written on August 12th, 2013     
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Join 3,000 youth workers who share your passion!

Draw closer to God and nurture your soul with a Jesus-centered focus on what matters most. SYMC is a ministry to the whole youth worker—professionally, personally, and spiritually—and it’s a safe place …

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Paul Carlson Partnership Congo Calendar 2013

Post a Comment » Written on August 5th, 2013     
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congocalzoom_largeThis fourth annual Congo Calendar opens windows into the realities of life in Congo today. Far from the continuing violence in the east, the remote northwest Ubangi region is home to subsistence farmers who live on less than $70 a

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The Picture Book Guide to Youth Ministry

Post a Comment » Written on July 31st, 2013     
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BRAND NEW FROM THE YOUTH CARTEL – The Picture Book Guide to Youth Ministry

Simple Lessons on Reaching Teens, Sustaining Your Soul, and Avoiding Ministry Meltdowns9780985153601_3D


When you see the world of youth ministry–what you do and why you …

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Youth Leaders – free online training

Post a Comment » Written on July 29th, 2013     
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Attention Youth Leaders – Attend a free online training with Greg Stier from Dare 2 Share!

Join the Firestarter Youth Leader webinar, and get ready to ignite your youth ministry!

We all want to see our teens set ablaze for …

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The Journey: Discipleship/Confirmation

Post a Comment » Written on July 22nd, 2013     
Filed under: Reflection, Resources, The Jouney
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As you begin to plan for the fall season, we would like to suggest a resource that can assist you in the lifelong journey of faith.

D/C JOURNEY (Discipleship/Confirmation) is a resource designed for youth discipleship inviting students into a …

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