Naperville Covenant Church has blessed us by sharing some of their students’ responses to the week — how they were changed, how they felt God moving, and what they loved most about the week.
CHIC was a lot better than camp; I didn’t think it was possible. At mainstage, the music would feel like a dance party, yet then there would be intense, good worship. It was an awesome week.
I’m impressed with the human effort of three years of planning.
It was the craziest thing being in the stadium worshiping with people all my age and doing something with a purpose… Regular concerts have no purpose. I got to know people better and we formed deeper relationships as a youth group. There were so many options of things to do! Never been to a place like that with so many great things to do — bowling, ball games, bags, different lectures, service projects.
Everything was good: free time, sermons, worship, basketball… It was a great experience and important to do it for future students. I grew in my relationship with Christ… From here on forward I need to keep worshiping God, even though I’m not at CHIC.
One night Judy Peterson spoke (the pastor of North Park University). Towards the end of her talk it all made sense. I walked down to the cross and picked up a white surrender flag and as I walked back up the stairs to communion I thought about my cousin who died just over a year ago. Worship began to be a healing piece for me at CHIC. My hope for this year is to get more involved in youth group.
I want to thank everyone who contributed money that allowed all of us to have this experience. It was one of the best weeks of my life and I grew in my faith everyday.
It was fantastic; so great to see how all the people planned it on stage and from our church, just to give it to us so we can grow in our faith. Now we can do that for the next generation. I was also inspired by the former NFL player to live out my faith on the field in action.
It had meaning to put my hands in the air while singing. CHIC made me realize how Jesus fits so perfectly in my life.
Awesome relationships. I grew by getting to know people better, and growing in God. The speakers were good & impactful. I can see all the work that went into it and how much people care by all the time they put in. I realize that we can’t just stop here with our faith, we have to make it happen, it won’t just happen on its own. I am going to do daily devotionals, read my bible, and put Him first.
It was great meeting a lot of cool people that already believe in what you do. It was an eye-opening experience. The music was my favorite part; the DJ incorporated Christian songs and what we are into.
Thanks for supporting us and letting us go. I’ve grown deeper in my faith and am devoted to Him. I’m lucky to have so many people who care about me spiritually.
My favorite thing was meeting all those other people. Usually if I say I go to a Covenant church people say, “what is that?” I felt understood.
It was awesome that a bunch of high school kids raised so much money — $127,555 for countries in need. Sometimes I feel like I’m just a high school kid, I can’t really do much…
It was amazing; one of the best spiritual experiences in my life. I loved the speakers everyday, being together all week, and growing in God all together. It was really life changing. One night, Francis Chan asked if we were Facebook official with Jesus… The first thing I did that night when I got back to my room was to say on Facebook, “I love Jesus!” I have never done that. I have a lot of atheist friends so this was a big step for me.
Best week ever! Everyday there was something to look forward to. The music was awesome — only time I’ve lost my voice. Spiritually, I have started a new chapter. It’s a weight off my shoulders; if I’m living for God I don’t have to worry about anything.
I finally understand that God does not do bad things to us, and he does not leave us in it. I don’t have to worry about it any more. I understand now if someone comes to me, I could talk to them about who God really is. I am accepting and understanding of God more than ever before. I now know where I want to go and how to serve. When you have God you can choose the better way, even with temptation. I no longer feel crazy. I have found that piece of the puzzle for my journey.
I heard God’s voice. I heard the word ‘father,’ for my sister. I told her and she realized that’s where her issues are, with her father. The next word I heard was ‘alone’ and this word was for my friend who felt very alone & didn’t feel like he fit in. I am now trying to listen more for God’s voice. It will be challenging but now I’m going to read my Bible so I can know if it’s Satan lying or a word from God. CHIC got us ready to go out and spread the word. I feel ready for school.