Did you miss CYMS webinars in 2013? If so, I’m here to help you catch up!
Hip Hop Curriculum for Incarcerated Youth & Youth Coming Out of the System
June 18, 2013
Led by K-Rahn, youth advocate in Southern California
This webinar is led by veteran youth worker K-Rahn, who developed a successful hip hop curriculum for working with youth in and transitioning out of juvenile detention. Hear insights into engaging youth for Christ through hip hop.
The New Urban: A Panel Discussion on Urban Ministry Across the Nation
May 31, 2013
Panelists: Christina Tinglof (Covenant Congregational Church, Boston), Soong-Chan Rah (North Park Theological Seminary), David Byrd (Apostolic Church of God, Chicago), Curt Gibson (Lake Avenue Community Church, Pasadena), Andrea Vaudrey (Glendora Community Church, Glendora, CA)
Moderated by Daniel White Hodge
Back on the Block: Community Reentry and Reintegration of Formerly Incarcerated Youth
April 22, 2013
The focus of this webinar will be on reentry issues and problems for formerly incarcerated youth and young adults. We’ll share case studies of formerly incarcerated youth to look at the reality prison/jail has caused for these young people, their families, and their communities.
Evangelical Covenant Youth Religious Identification
March 6, 2013
Featuring Daniel White Hodge, director, Center for Youth Ministry Studies
Using the questions from the American Religious Identification Survey and Pew Research on Religion, Dr. Hodge conducted research with ECC youth at the 2012 high school conference to determine the spiritual and religious beliefs of the teens in the Covenant. This webinar shares the highlights and outcomes of this research.
Youth Worker Sustainability, Part Two: Being Part of the Solution
February 12, 2013
Presented by Alison Burkhardt, assistant director, Center for Youth Ministry Studies
With the new economic climate, the changing administration and its impact on public policy, many significant changes are taking place that affect the stability of youth work and youth ministry programs in communities that need it the most. This session of the Youth Worker Sustainability series will discuss strategies for youth workers to contribute to their organizations ability to remain financially viable and providing consistent youth ministry programming in their communities.